What a beautiful day! The weather was perfect and me and Dad raked up seven....yes, seven...bags of leaves! Thought it would be fun to surprise the kids with a little swimming (or should I say splashing fun) in the backyard?

I ran to HEB before school was out and grabbed a few little pools to cool off in on this hot day!
I also grabbed a pack of fudge bars!- YUM!

Kaci and Bailey had a great time cooling off before we headed out to Bailey's first tball practice.

Well, it was officially the 2nd practice- but the first one got rained out :(

Bailey is on the Sidewinders AGAIN with Coach Ruben (head coach) and Clint as assistant coach. We are so excited! Clint had to be out of town tonight for work- but me and Kaci helped him warm up in the fields before practice.

Bailey wore his jersey from last year to practice in. Look at him run those bases!

Here is my handsome boy! Play Ball!!!

At the end of practice we got their new jerseys! They are BRIGHT yellow- I call them HIGHLIGHTER YELLOW! You won't be able to miss #12 on the field! Go Bailey!!!
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