"Making the decision to have a child -it's momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking outside your body." Elizabeth Stone
My babies!
Catch up on our families daily adventures, learn more about our dreams and experience life with diabetes through our eyes! Grab a cup of something warm and read on to learn more about my Random Thoughts....
Today Bailey had his End of Year Awards ceremony and Sing Along! They did such a great job!
I can't believe that this year is almost over. AMAZING how fast it really went by.
Here is Bailey going onstage to receive his Dog Tag Awards. He earned all of his tags this year...meaning he mastered the math, science, reading and social studies standards. He also received a dog tag for his birthday, field day, tiger pride and star student in each of the special areas!
Afterwards his teacher gave out an individual award that best represented each child. Bailey got the award for being "Most Jolly" She said that even though he came in to Kinder ready to go to first...he still worked hard and helped others. I was so afraid that he would be bored with the curriculum since he is already reading at a 3rd grade level and doing the math of a first grader...but he is so social, that he made it though....looking forward to being challenged a lot more in first grade! Way to go, Bailey! I am so proud of you!
Wife, Mommy, Cook, Taxi Driver, Former First Grade Teacher, JDRF Volunteer, and Blogger! In my spare time I sell Scentsy, Avon, Greeting cakes and Advocare!
Husband, Daddy, Senior Operations Manager, one of the toughest hardworking people I know, and My better half!
The Princess- and my Heart! 8th grade Superior Spartan, Company Leader Golden Spark Dance Team Dancer, painter, JDRF volunteer, and the smartest girl I know!
The Prince! - and my heart! 6th Grade Spartan, All A student, football player, and the smartest boy I know!
Princess Missy
Our sweet cat!
Payton Jane!
2 year old Payton. She has a heart of gold. Love this baby girl!
Miss Mae
Miss Mae is the newest addition to our family. A sweet blonde lab. The best word to describe her so far is "chill"
Chelsea Jane
Our angel dog and the sweetest 4 year old lab you will EVER meet! Thank you for the memories!
Our "Angel Dog" We love you, Reagan! Thanks for all the good memories!
My 3 favorite people in the world!
"The most important thing a father can do for his children is to love their mother." Theodore Hesburgh
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