My babies!

My babies!
Catch up on our families daily adventures, learn more about our dreams and experience life with diabetes through our eyes! Grab a cup of something warm and read on to learn more about my Random Thoughts....

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

We love Miss Ene!

Miss Ene (or Miss Anne-as we call her) is the best hairdresser in town! Do they even call them that anymore??- or is it beautician...or is that old school too!? Well, whatever you call them- she is the best! We love to visit her to get our hair cut about once a month- and have been going to her since Bailey was 2. She was (and still is) the only one who can cut Bailey's hair without a bunch of tears and fussing!

Kaci just got her bangs trimmed this trip! She is letting her hair grow long again! YEAH!

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