My babies!

My babies!
Catch up on our families daily adventures, learn more about our dreams and experience life with diabetes through our eyes! Grab a cup of something warm and read on to learn more about my Random Thoughts....

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

"When kids volunteer it tells others that they don't have to be perfect or famous or even grown up to make a difference."

It's that time of year again! Time to stuff the JDRF School Walk Folders! Kaci has been waiting for them to arrive in the JDRF Austin offices for weeks now! Miss Amy emailed us as soon as they arrived and we headed down to the offices to pick them up! We started counting sneakers in stacks of 10 and cutting the 2000 stickers we recieved apart as soon as we got home. We started stuffing after dinner and finished just over 500 tonight. That leaves about 1, 500 more to go. Kaci wants to finish this group quickly so that we can get more. She wants to stuff more than she did last year.

Here is Kaci in 2010.
She stuffed right at 3,000 last year!

Here she is in 2009. She stuffed 2,000 that year!

Even Bailey joined us tonight!

So proud of my little volunteers.

Always looking beyond themselves trying to help others!

"I believe in the spirit of sharing and I believe we are what we are because of those around us.""I am what I am because of other people and they are what they are because of me being around.""One hand cannot clap on its own but it needs the other hand to make a clap." "Many hands make light work."- Maasai tribal sayings

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