My babies!

My babies!
Catch up on our families daily adventures, learn more about our dreams and experience life with diabetes through our eyes! Grab a cup of something warm and read on to learn more about my Random Thoughts....

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

One Walk for JDRF 2015

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Are you ready for some FOOTBALL!?

Are you ready for some FOOTBALL???

 It is that time of year again. For so many years Bailey blessed us with many baseball practices and games to attend. - but last year, he decided to branch out and try something new. 
 FLAG FOOTBALL! This will be his second season and this year he was drafted by the COLTS!
 Saturday was their fist game and they pulled out a win! 
 Bailey scored 2 of the 5 touchdowns and I was one PROUD Mama! However, due to excessive cheering- I was not able to get a picture of either touchdown he made! BOO!
I think it is going to be a great season for this group of boys and their 2 AWESOME coaches!

I heart my Golden Spark!

I am so proud of Kaci! She worked very hard last year to earn the title of "Company Leader" for the Golden Sparks dance team for the 2015-2016 school year.

They practice 3-4 times a week (both before and after school) for a total of about 12-15 hours a week. It is like a part time job! They perform Tuesday nights at all of the 7th and 8th grade home games and will perform during basketball season as well. Kaci is getting excited about their upcoming per-rally performance as well. The mixture of dance and diabetes has been a challenge this year. More often than not- all of the excercise is causing MAJOR spikes in her blood sugar. I am having difficulty with it. Fortunately, Kaci has learned to "roll with it" and deal with moments and take things one day at a time. I am trying to learn from her. I know that diabetes is a moving target....I just sometimes forget.

Here are a few pics I took at last nights game. 

I "HEART" My Golden Spark!

First Post in a While AND First Day of School!

Ahhh...........I have gotten into such a bad habit of not posting. Sometimes I get so busy living....that I guess I forget to re-live and document things here on my blog. I am going to try and be better about it. If for no one else -but myself! It is lots of fun to scroll through past years and  read previous posts with a hot cup of coffee in the morning....or late at night when I can't sleep!

So....I can't go back and fill in all the gaps, so let's just start with the first day of school
Hard to believe that both of my kiddos are now in Middle School. Bailey in the 6th grade and Kaci in the 8th grade. I really don't know where the time has gone. I guess time flies when you are having fun, right?

We are 5 weeks into school and everyone has gotten into the new routine and schedule. Dance keeps Kaci busy 90% of the time! (well, that might be a little bit of an exaggeration!) - but it does seem like the practices and performances are much more time and energy consuming than they were last year.

 Here is the Princess on her first day of 8th grade.

Bailey is enjoying having some "morning time" to chill and hang out before school starts at 8:55. He is also enjoying getting to sleep in just a little bit later in the mornings. I asked him yesterday on the way to school if he liked elementary school or middle school better. Without hesitation he said,
"MIDDLE SCHOOL!" I am so thankful that they are both enjoying the school year.

Here is the Prince on his first day of 6th grade.