My babies!

My babies!
Catch up on our families daily adventures, learn more about our dreams and experience life with diabetes through our eyes! Grab a cup of something warm and read on to learn more about my Random Thoughts....

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy 4th of July!!!

We started our celebration of July 4th on the 3rd with Grayson staying over at our house. Clint came home from work a bit early and we all made it to the showing of Ice Age Dawn of the Dinosaurs! It was so funny! Here's a pic of Kaci and Grayson in the theater and all 3 kiddos posing by the cool movie displays.

Silly kids!
Another cool display and 3 cool kids!

Grayson and Kaci waiting for the movie to start.

When the kiddos woke up on July 4th- they all dressed themselves in appropriate holiday attire and made their very own parade in our front yard. They made up their own holiday song and chanted it over and over again as they paraded up and down the sidewalk in front of our house and around the corner. Cars honked, neighbors waved and one even offered them frozen ICEE pops for their awesome holiday display!
They all 3 declared that this was the best 4th of July EVER!!
Miss Grayson

Miss Kaci
Mr. Bailey

Later that evening we meet up with PaPa and Grandma Dee for some AWESOME Cedar Park fireworks. We found a great spot to make camp and waited for the sun to go down.

PaPa and Bailey played a little parking lot football to pass the time!

Kaci ate a Lick M Aid to pass the time!

The grasshopper sat on our blanket to pass the time!
Grandma Dee got some hugs from Bailey to pass the time!

It was a great night! The fireworks were beautiful! Can't wait until next year.

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