My babies!

My babies!
Catch up on our families daily adventures, learn more about our dreams and experience life with diabetes through our eyes! Grab a cup of something warm and read on to learn more about my Random Thoughts....

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

If life gives you lemons....make lemonade!

Today was the second day of Grace Camp!
Today's theme was Mad was loads of fun!

Kaci has been begging me for week to have a lemonade stand....
we finally decided today was the day!
Together we squeezed fresh lemons and added it to sugar water!

Kaci worked on the signs and decided the price was right at 50 cents a glass.

It was so hot outside but it wasn't long before our first customer got here. (Well, actually...our first customer was PaPa, He drove all the way from Cedar Park for a cold glass) Amber and Colton came over to join us as well. The first customer of the day gave the kiddos a 50 cent tip!

Our second customer was the UPS man. He also gave us a 50 cent tip and told us to fill his glass to the top! It was such a hot day- we told him if he passed by our house again we would give him a FREE refill!

Our third customer saw us from the main street as she was leaving the neighborhood and turned all the way around to get herself a cold glass. She also gave us a 50 cent tip! WOO HOO

We closed for a while to cool off and made and opened again around 5:30 to catch some people on their way home from work. When Clint came home he bought a glass and the neighbors across the street came over to get a glass too! Kaci and Bailey made a little over $8! Not a bad day at the lemonade stand! They want to try again on Friday...Please pray for rain! HA

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