My babies!

My babies!
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Tuesday, September 15, 2009

"Trick or Treat....Smell My Feet!"

Not the camera ...MOM!!!
Bailey dancing with the Unicef package.

So excited!!!
Handsome boy! is that time of year again! After a quick trip to the mailbox after school- the kids were delighted to find their TRICK OR TREAT for UNICEF boxes had arrived!

UNICEF was started over 58 years ago and in that time boys and girls have collected over $140 million to help change children's lives. Last year alone, over $4 million was collected. UNICEF has a simple goal- "They will do whatever it takes to reduce the number of childhood deaths." Only UNICEF has the global experience, resources and reach to give children the best hope for survival.

We think it will be difficult to ask as neighbors as we walk door to door - So, we are asking our family and friends this way. We hope that by the end of October that we can send in a $40 donation to UNICEF! Kaci and Bailey have set a goal of $20 each! (This is double their goal of $10 each last year) So, next time you see us....let us know if you have some change to spare that we can add to our Trick or Treat for UNICEF bucket. We sure would appreciate it!

Here are a few interesting facts:
6 cents provides water for 1 thirsty kid
$2 provides nutrition for 1 hungry kid
$44 provides school supplies to 20 kids
$112 provides emergency blankets to 37 kids
$200 immunizes 550 kids against measles
Help us help UNICEF!

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