My babies!

My babies!
Catch up on our families daily adventures, learn more about our dreams and experience life with diabetes through our eyes! Grab a cup of something warm and read on to learn more about my Random Thoughts....

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Sell all you the rest!

Today was a BIG day for Girl Scout cookies! Kaci sold34 boxes at Uncle Chad's work. He had a manager's meeting here in Round Rock and asked us to stop by and bring us his cookies (he had placed an order last week). When we got there....everyone wanted some cookies! Good thing the car was packed FULL! We had planned to go and sit on the corner at Grandmas Dee's house after school- but after stopping by Chad's work- we had to come home and reload!
It was cooler than we thought outside, but 30 minutes and only 2 customers later ....Kaci had sold another 10 boxes!WOW~ She has already reached her goal of 200 and we are now shooting for 325~

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The wheels on the bus go round and round....round and round...round and round....

Today was Bailey's first field trip! The Kindergarten classes took a trip to Zilker Park for lunch and play and then got to see a laser light show of, Good Night Moon, and Runaway Bunny!
Bailey was super excited about riding on a school bus for the first time!

Here is the gang enjoying lunch at the park. It was a little cool outside, but the kids didn't seem to mind a bit.
I was lucky enough to be one of the mom's chosen to go on the trip with the class. Here we are waiting for the show to begin!

It was great day! Very tiring....but well worth it!

Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does. ~William James

Kaci stuffed 600 folders for the JDRF school walk program! How wonderful! Hoping we can get her school to jump on board for next year and help raise money for this wonderful organization!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

You can drive a truck through that hole!- Clint (upon seeing Bailey's new smile!)

Can you see it??
You can definitely see it here!! has been hanging by a thread for weeks now! (his other BIG tooth on top is loose too) Bailey pulled his tooth today while taking a break from his playstation game! before this ...he was playing outside and he and Chelsea ran in to one another. Bailey bit his lip and I think this helped loosen the tooth just a bit more. We can't wait to see what the Tooth Fairy is going to bring him for this one. We will keep you posted....wonder how he will look when the other falls out?

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Happy birthday, Colton~

We helped celebrate Colton's 12th birthday at Austin Park's and Pizzas today. Even though the weather was a little bit cold- we still had a great time. We started off with Lazer Tag- but I didn't get any pictures...
Then we moved on to some putt putt...

Next - Kaci and Bailey tried out the Tea Cups!

Here are Uncle Mark and Bailey tearing up the track!

Kaci and Clint were hot on their tail!

Here is Colton taking a spin in the go carts~

Later, Kaci worked up the courage to drive her own car too~ She picked #10-

Bailey was super fast in his #6 car- and that is how old he will be in a little less than one month~

Here is the whole gang0 minus me....but I like it that way! We had a great time.

Happy Birthday, Colton!!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

The trick is in what one emphasizes. We either make ourselves miserable, or we make ourselves happy. The amount of work is the same- Carolos Castaneda

Today was the 2nd day of cookies sales and the Thursday of our Girl Scout meeting. Kaci's best friend, Grayson - has joined the troop and the girls are so excited! Look at those cute shirts! "Save The is the only planet with Girl Scout cookies!" and " I love THIN MINTS!"
Silly girls!!!
It was such a pretty day that this morning I sent everyone we knew a text telling them to meet us at the park after school. It worked! Lots of the kiddos friends met us for just a little bit of play. The sun sure felt good on my face! Here is Kaci climbing the rock wall!
This is not everyone we knew at the park...but I rounded up a few for a group picture!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

What a many life altering things have
happened this weekend to my family and to my friends.

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.

Living one day at a time;
Enjoying one moment at a time;
Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
Taking, as He did, this sinful worldas it is, not as I would have it;
Trusting that He will make all things right if I surrender to His Will;
That I may be reasonably happy in this life
and supremely happy with Him
Forever in the next.


"Play ball!"

Yeah! Time to sign up for Spring T-ball! We went straight to the YMCA after school today and got Bailey all signed up again! It will be so nice this time around...less cold, damp weather at practice and weekend games - and more sunshine and warm rays on all of our faces. It will do us all some good! We will find out in a few weeks what team he is on.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

We picked up cookies today....

now let the fun begin!!!!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

"On my honor- I will try, to serve God and my country and live by the Girl Scout law"

Kaci and her friend worked super hard on making this GIANT cookie poster!
It is that time again!
Girl Scout cookies-

Please help Kaci make her goal of selling 200 boxes this year a reality.We will have all cookies in stock and are ready to start delivering them straight to you on January 20th. (or maybe a little bit before_ *wink *wink*Each box is just $3.50-Listed below is a little about each cookie, just in case you have forgotten which one is your favorite- but don't worry- you can time to try them all!

1. Thanks-A-Lot - used to be known as Animal Treasures (all same type shortbread cookie with chocolate on the bottom) - 16 - 24 cookies* per 8.5 ounce box.

2. Peanut Butter Sandwiches (peanut butter cookie with peanut butter filling) - 20 cookies* per 8 ounce box.

3. Lemonades™ (shortbread cookie with a tangy lemon icing) - 16 cookies* per 8.5 ounce box.

4. Reduced Fat Daisy Go Rounds™ (crispy cinnamon cookies) - 5 servings* per 4.2 ounce box.

5. Caramel deLites™ (vanilla cookies covered with caramel on top and bottom then rolled in coconut and striped with chocolate) - 15 cookies* per 7 ounce box.

6. Peanut Butter Patties® (Regular cookie with soft Peanut Butter and coated with chocolate) - 15 cookies* per 7 ounce box.

7. Thin Mints (thin chocolate-peppermint cookie coated in chocolate) - 32 cookies* in an 10 ounce box.

8. Shortbread - (a shortbread cookie) - 44 cookies* per 10 ounce box.

Call or email me and let me know what I should set aside for you! I promise you won't be sorry!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Wildtree....always the better choice, naturally!

Hosted a party tonight for Wildtree. They are a company founded on the belief that food should be natural, nutritional, delicious and easy to prepare- all at the same time. I think they have mastered it. To learn more about Wildtree and their products- click on this link...

I think you will like what you see!-
and I know you will like what you taste!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Hook 'Em Horns!

Bailey is home sick again today! Still sporting the 102 fever.- But he was not too sick to pose in this picture for me....then he wanted to take one of me too! Nothing like a close up, huh?
I hope Texas pulls it out tonight. Otherwise, I will have 2 very sad boys on my hands and Clint will have a very long flight home!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

I say you take the tree down before the new year.
You should NEVER bring the old year into the new one.

Clint says it is bad luck to take the tree down before the new year starts.

Our tree is still standing and staring at me....
Along with 2 receipts from Urgent Care and 5 prescription bottles labeled Bailey and Clint Borchgardt...hmmmm....

Wonder what we should do with the tree next year?

No looking back!

So- it is that time of year again. Time to wrap up 2009 with a big bow and kiss it goodbye. The kids are back at school today- and unlike all the other mommy's that are doing cartwheels about it- I am at home, sad! I hate the quiet house and I miss them. I can't wait for 2:30 to get here! Clint is home sick- yes...that is right.....SICK! This was supposed to be a different kind of year! UGH! It is still early...still time for things to turn around I suppose.

Looking back on the was a BIG one!

Kaci finished first grade and started second. She is going to a new school and has meet back up with many of her friends from Kindergarten. She is in TAG math and will likely be in TAG for reading next year as well. She has continued with her Girl Scout troop and that keeps her ties to some of her friends from her old school. She has lost 2 more teeth, grown quite a bit taller and is sporting a new shorter haircut! She still loves her hair bows, kisses and hugs goodbye, and anything sweet to eat! She turned 8 in November and had her first sleepover party! She was Hannah Montana for Halloween- and really rocked the wig! She is handling diabetes better than I could have ever imagined. She has made lots of new friends and is the most kind-hearted little girl I have ever met.

Bailey finished up pre-school at Grace Episcopal and started Kindergarten. He LOVES it! He lost 2 teeth and is working on another as we speak! He is a math and reading wizard. He loves Tom and Jerry, video games and the computer. He joined a tball team this year, The Sidewinders, and had a great season! He is still the funniest boy I know and is the spitting image of his Daddy! This year he learned how to buckle his own seat belt in the car and can get himself dressed lickety split! His favorite foods are still pizza and chicken nuggets and he will do anything for a Happy meal at McDonalds! He celebrated his 5th birthday party this year at Pump It up and is looking forward to his 6th birthday at Pump It Up again! He was Mario for Halloween! It was priceless!

I enjoyed working (for a while) at Grace Pre-school as well. I had my own class of 4 year olds and it was nice to be in the teacher roll again. Planned to go back when the summer was over, but it didn't work out this year. Hopefully I can return next year if that is God's plan. Stunned in July by Kaci's short hospital stay- lost about 25 pounds- but learned (with lots of help and support) that Kaci would be Ok and that I needed to be Ok too! Enjoyed our summer vacation to the beach- once with Clint and once with Amber,Mark, Mom and Dad! Celebrated my 11th anniversary with Clint!- Continued to sell Scentsy, Avon and Greeting Cakes.....and became a great advocate for JDRF!

Clint continues to work harder than anyone I know! He is up early and up late and works all hours in between. He had a slight health scare this year- but it turned out to be nothing (Thank God!) He has enjoyed a season of good UT football and Colt McCoy- and even being sick....he is STILL is boarding a plane headed for the big bowl game! I finally got him onto the world of Facebook and I think he enjoys it. He has become and expert chef in Cafe World and very rarely lets his food spoil! He is my best friend and the only person I would want to share this crazy journey, called LIFE - with! I love him forever and always!

So- what do I hope for the New Year? Peace, Health and Happiness! All the stuff my mom used to wish for when we were kids when we would ask her what she wished for. She would always give this answer and we would say...."OH MOM, but REALLY what do you WISH for?" After this year....I get it! :)