My babies!

My babies!
Catch up on our families daily adventures, learn more about our dreams and experience life with diabetes through our eyes! Grab a cup of something warm and read on to learn more about my Random Thoughts....

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

We survived!

Well.....we all survived the first day of Line Camp!
I even think Kaci had FUN! YEAH!

On the way to pick up the girls an ambulance and fire truck pulled out in front of me. I got a little nervous, but told myself everything was fine. Then when we got the  stoplight at the school and they ran the light to pull into the school parking lot- I started getting a little panicky! - but again, I told myself it was going to be fine. They looked like they were going to go to the opposite side of the building,-but then they pulled right up to the same door I had dropped the girls off at! YIKES! That is when I quickly parked and started to speed walk inside.

I followed the EMS worker until I heard a teacher say, "In here...She is in here," She pointed directly to the gym where I had dropped Kaci and her friend, Kyrah off that morning.

That is when breathing got a little difficult! LOL! I looked in the gym, but the girl was way in the back too hard to make out who it was. So- I quickly turned around and looked in the other gym. Is wasn't long before I found Kaci's dance team and then spotted both her and Kyran.   I almost asked the EMS worker for a little bit of oxygen- holy crap! Instant headache!!

Shortly after, they brought a young girl out on a stretcher. She looked okay- so I am hoping it is just something minor and they were erring on the side of caution!

Here is a quick picture I took of Kaci this morning before Day 2 of Line Camp!


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