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My babies!
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Thursday, October 23, 2014

Teal Pumpkin Project

This year we will be participating in the Teal Pumpkin Project. 
If you haven't heard of it before- keep reading to learn more.

The Teal Pumpkin Project was created to promote inclusion and respect of individuals managing food allergies – and to keep Halloween a fun, positive experience for all.

As stated on their website:

"Halloween can be a tricky time – quite literally – for families managing food allergies because many traditional Halloween treats aren’t safe for children with life-threatening food allergies. The Teal Pumpkin Project is designed to promote safety, inclusion and respect of individuals managing food allergies – and to keep Halloween a fun, positive experience for all. The idea for the Teal Pumpkin Project originated with the Food Allergy Community of East Tennessee (FACET), and FARE is pleased to be bringing it to the attention of families across the country for the first time this year.This campaign encourages people to raise awareness of food allergies by providing non-food treats for trick-or-treaters and painting a pumpkin teal - the color of food allergy awareness - 
to place in front of their house along with a free printable sign from FARE 
to indicate they have non-food treats available."

Even though Kaci is able to eat candy with Type 1 Diabetes- it must be covered with the correct amount of insulin. I will never forget how stressful the first Halloween after her diagnosis was. I have never been the mom that let my kids devour half of their bag of Halloween candy anyway. We have always chosen 3-4 pieces to eat that night and then saved the rest for later. But- we do have to cover any amount she eats with insulin. It is often hard to correctly guess how many carbs are in each piece of candy - since none of them are labeled. Then you have to worry that she will go high or low during the night- from not enough or too much insulin. It can be "tricky".
Here is Kaci as Hannah Montona- Bailey as Mario.
This was taken just 3 months after her diagnosis.

Like Kaci- there are other kids who also have to watch what they eat. There are many kids with food allergies: gluten, latex, wheat and peanut allergies. All of which can be life threatening. 
So, that is why we have chosen to participate "officially"this year with a teal pumpkin displayed on our porch. We will be passing out rubber duckies (as well as candy) -
as we have for the last several years. 

Kaci is working on painting and decorating our teal pumpkin. Please check back for more pictures later- and to learn more about this project and print signs and facts click on the link below:


1 comment:

Jacqueline said...

Hi Andrea,

I am writer for the Disney/Lilly type 1 health hub Right now I am working on an article about the Teal Pumpkin Project (for the fall) and why D-families might want to participate. I love what you wrote here and was wondering if I could quote the reasons why became involved? Please let me know. I can be reached at jatourville at gmail dot com. Thank you!

All best,
Jacqueline Tourville