My babies!

My babies!
Catch up on our families daily adventures, learn more about our dreams and experience life with diabetes through our eyes! Grab a cup of something warm and read on to learn more about my Random Thoughts....

Saturday, October 31, 2009

JDRF Say BOO to Diabetes Walk 2009

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We had the best time~ KACI raised $1,575.00! WOW! Amazing...thank you to everyone who donated to the HONEY, RUFUS AND KACI TEAM! Please know that no matter what the size of your WILL and DID make a difference. Not only for research, but to my little girl~No amount is too small! We appreciate all that you gave! Bailey won the coloring contest. They are supposed to call us this week to let us know what he won. He can't wait! He got to be on stage and talk on the microphone with the news anchor. I talked Kaci into entering our poster in the poster contest (even though we won't get our poster back)They will announce the winner of the poster contest in December and the winner will be invited to the Awards Banquet. Keep your fingers crossed for us. Grandma Dee and PaPa were in Greenbay watching Bret they could not be at the walk this year...and other members of our team had last minute cancellations...but we would not let that stop our good time~ Aunt Amber was there to support us and it was overwhelming to see all of the other people out their walking as well. The weather was awesome! It was a perfect day!

A few nights ago...Kaci was crying about getting her shot. When Bailey heard her, he put his arm on her shoulder and asked..." Kaci, are you crying about the pokes?" When she answered, "Yes!" He said to her, " Don't worry...remember we are going to that walk this weekend and we are going to get a cure!" precious! Part of me wanted to say something to him- like that we weren't going to come home with a cure in a bottle. BUT the other part of me couldn't squash his hope. As much as I want a cure to come....I also NEED and WANT Kaci to know that she can do and be anything she wants to be even with diabetes. We will not let it limit her.

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