My babies!

My babies!
Catch up on our families daily adventures, learn more about our dreams and experience life with diabetes through our eyes! Grab a cup of something warm and read on to learn more about my Random Thoughts....

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

O my God, I am heartily sorry, for having offended Thee....

I am so proud of Kaci tonight for making her First Confession (Penance). She has been going to her R.E. Classes for 5 weeks now. She attends every Tuesday from 6:45-8 at St.Thomas More Catholic Church and will be receiving her First Holy Communion on Saturday, April, 30 @ 10 a.m. She has been nervous about "confession" and told me that she thought it was tonight. I reassured her that it wasn't. Boy was I WRONG! When we got there the door the the hall was locked, but we found an open door on the side and snuck in that way. Went upstairs and the classroom was EMPTY! So- we found someone to ask and they told us to head to the church. I knew at that moment...that I had been WRONG...but I didn't tell Kaci.
When we got in the church- everyone was seated with their parents and we recited the "Our Father" and the "Act of Contrition" together.

Then the children we asked to form 2 lines to go in and see one of the Priests to make their confessions. Kaci got in Father Larry's line and was the 4th one in to speak to him. She received a blessing when she was done and we got to leave for the night. Clint and Bailey were at baseball practice so Kaci and I had treated ourselves to dinner at Chilis beforehand. It was "Kids Eat FREE Night" Once I found out I had been wrong tonight about confession- I was very glad that I had taken her out for special treat before!!

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